last updated on November 21, 2022 by Michael
Starting today, you can play Labor Day Bingo Event specials, lasting all weekend and there is over $15,000 in GUARANTEED CASH! This year Amigo Bingo wants to send a huge shout-out to all the frontliners, working day and night to help fight covid-19. They are our real-life superheroes! It has been a very strange summer this year, but labor day is signaling that summer is almost over and it is time to send the kids back to school. There is one last weekend for all of us to enjoy, before everything changes again.
Celebrate Labor Day Bingo Event Weekend
Join Amigo Bingo this September 4th-7th in the main room to play an assortment of games with themes related to their services and bravery, all carrying a HUGE % based jackpot that will continue to build up with each ticket sold until the bingo game starts.
Plus, in honor of all the health care workers that make this nation run, hit bingo on the SUPERHERO GAME while present in chat, and they will MATCH UP YOUR JACKPOT WIN in BBs! Stay home, stay safe, and look out for each other! Let’s all enjoy this last long weekend of the summer and hopefully win some nice cash prizes.